Category Archives: Opportunity

Money making ideas are everywhere but you should know how to spot and exploit them.

Income Opportunity Ideas


Our group had a brain storming in order to come out with a blog on this category. We  want something new and fresh ideas and tried to avoid the gimmicks that are considered cliche’. But on the second thought, we believe that old ideas may be new to the other side of the globe and may still work on other locations.

Below are the lists of money making ideas we agreed worth suggesting to a would be professional photographer. We invite our readers to contribute and extend the list.  They may also implement the ideas free of copyright violation. As an act of penance we just request proper acknowledgement and refer at least ten visitors to our site.

Ideas as of May 19, 2013

1.  When dining in a restaurant, take a picture of the food you ordered before eating. Show the images to the owner/manager and complement the food. Mention that you are a pro and has a website and you will post the pictures. Leave your card and suggest if they like better pictures for their menu, posters, ads and wall frames or need a good photographer for restaurant events you will make yourself available because they serve such good food. You just earned a friend and pictures of food for your stock photo at their expense.

2. Organize a Photo Tour? yeah, maybe. But this one is different.  Organize a street photography! Reserve an avenue in a busy upscale business district.  Accredit professional and wannabe photographers who will post themselves on the street like a paparazzi or street photographer in short. Announce to the public that this is a street photography day and those who would like their pictures taken like a celebrity can walk through the avenue wearing their fashionable clothes (or otherwise) behaving like celebrity/fashion model entering the Oscar’s Awards Night. You don’t need a Donald Trump to make money from accreditation and sponsors and sold pictures (edited and framed) not to mention souvenir programs. Don’t forget to get waivers from the models.

3.  If you are attending a street procession, parade (flower, costume), Chinese Dragon Dance, bicycle race, etc., where there are colorful  and historical significance.  Position yourself to take images from a vantage point where a business establishment (restaurant, bank, store) will be part of the background. Sell the images to the establishment concerned. They may even land on the calendars they give away annually.

That will be all for the moment. Please add you ideas and make comments. We will include it on our next list update.